Europa 2000 Secondary School

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Europa 2000 Secondary School


Europa 2000 Secondary School

Europa 2000 Secondary School is a secondary grammar school and vocational institution maintained by a foundation, and it is continuously adapting to ever-changing challenges, ensuring the spiritual, moral and physical development of the students in a family-type environment.

The Europa 2000 Economic, Tourism and Information Technology Education Centre Foundation, which maintains the school, was established in 1992. Its main objective is to train competent and experienced professionals, who can flexibly adapt to economic changes.

Our further goal is to educate tolerant citizens with a healthy identity, who are open to the world with a clear vision, while also sharing European values. To achieve the above-mentioned objectives – according to the intents of the founders – we ensure a learner-friendly, family-type environment to each student of ours. In the interest of the development of student talents, the necessary resources in staff and equipment help with the conveyance of knowledge adjusted to the level of development of the students, necessary for passing the school leaving exam and the acquisition of the professional knowledge required to pass the intermediate language exam. The organisation of extra-curricular cultural, sports and other entertaining programs provide many school-life experiences. The establishment of democratic values is ensured within the framework of the Students’ Government and Student Assemblies.

The basic principles of our institution:

  • Our school has been an operationally and pedagogically consistent, calculable institution based on stability and traditions for several decades.
  • Teacher-student relationship that are trusting, mutually tolerant and helpful..
  • It is our basic principle that our staff be comprised of highly-qualified and motivated teachers who teach cooperatively to apply up-to-date methods.
  • Tolerance, open-mindedness, and creating opportunities lie at the heart of our education.
  • Our school provides a non-violent and safe environment for students and our staff.

Our school has nearly 500 daytime students and as many as 40 full-time teachers. Our 3 buildings are comprised of 40 classrooms. Among them there are several technical classrooms (TV studio, cinema room, scientific rooms, apprentice restaurant, training kitchen, computer stock), a library with 13 000 volumes, and a sports ground with artificial turf. The high-quality school facilities ensure the conditions for modern teaching and learning are met, and that we are responding to present and future needs. Our air-conditioned classrooms are equipped with smartboards, active boards and overhead projectors. Our teachers are provided with laptops, by which we have started the digital education of the 21st century.

We provide several services at our school, which, in many cases, differ from the traditional educational methods and tools, giving our school a unique character. An individual examination system is operated at our school, with the purpose of making it easy for our students to understand and clarify our expectations and preparing them for the school-leaving exams. We apply quarterly assessments, and at the end of the school year our students take exams in school-leaving exam subjects during the one-week exam period in accordance with the official testing requirements.

  • The student-teacher system: With the help of the program, students in need of support or extra tuition can revise difficult study materials and topics from their peers in ’student language’.
  • A comprehensive teacher assessment system: To ensure the high-quality training system of the school, the students can evaluate the operation of the school and the work of its teachers.
  • Our own study materials are applied in our courses which guide our students’ professional and career decisions.
  • In addition to personality development, we pay special attention to the safety and well-being of our children, in which receives assistance and guidance from the “Nemecsek Program”.
  • Our title of “European Parliament Ambassador School” in 2019 obliges us to introduce our young people to the workings and values ​​of the EU. The establishment of democratic values is ensured within the framework of the Students’ Government and Student Assemblies (DÖK).

In the educational system of Europe 2000 Secondary School two major areas play a significant role in the successful implementation of project method teaching. We can make good use of the professional experience of both educational training specializations and an alternative pedagogical programme in connection with the implementation of this teaching method.

Our principles on education and training

Our school emphasizes training its students in a unique, different way, compared to classical education systems. Some of the elements of our educational principle are group work, project work, applying alternative pedagogical methods or organizing activities outside class and out-of-school programs.

Creating the demand for life-long learning is considered to be our main mission. With thorough professionalism and methodological diversity (co-operative learning, project method, small group trainings, use of ICT tools, competence-based training, enrichment and differentiation), our teachers ensure the possibility of the acquisition of high-level culture and knowledge, thus meeting the challenges of our times. This will make it possible both to develop talented students and to provide support for the students lagging behind.

Individual differences and characteristics

An essential element of our educational program is centered around supporting our students’ future career opportunities. Our innovative project-based methodology works hand in hand with the programs that are part of our students’ daily lives. These are:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Franklin Covey)

The system of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was launched at our school in the 2018-2019 school year. This system offers our students an opportunity to learn how to explore themselves, their impact on others, and how to communicate effectively. This methodology helps our students to move from dependence to independence with the following seven habits:

  1. Be Proactive
  2. Begin with the End in Mind
  3. Put First Things First.
  4. Think Win-Win
  5. Seek First to Understand, then to Be Understood
  6. Synergize
  7. Sharpen the Saw.

Active student life – operation and priority support given to the Students’ Government and Student Assemblies (DÖK)

Being active and taking part in school life is popular among our students. Collaboration within the student council is possible with the guidance of a teacher advisor and with the leadership of the president of the student council. Besides advocacy on behalf of the students and the protection of student rights, the representatives, which are usually outstanding students, elected from each class take an active role in organizing school programmes. Our school is eager to involve its active students in different tasks and to support and reward their work, which is of paramount importance in organizing social life. Our major school programmes in which the student council are involved in planning are Fresher’s Day, Open Days, school fairs, CSE-HO Day, Sports Day, Europe Day, the Senior Prom, etc.

Nurturing talent

Mathematics, History, foreign languages, competence-building subjects, most media subjects, and the specialized classes within the media faculty are taught in groups corresponding to the abilities of the students. Our interested students are given the opportunity to participate in projects matching their interests. In 2015 we were granted the title ’Excellent Talent Point’. We implement 3-4 talent nurturing and development projects in different areas. To prepare for the school-leaving exam, competitions, and further studies our talented students are assisted by teachers who nurture talent and develop individual ability, a psychologist and other members of staff.

We are part of projects that relate to different areas of study. These include the following projects: Holocaust studies – I Witness programme, Bullying & Media Comenius project, Role models Comenius project, and the Ambassador school of the European Parliament programme.

Digital school – alternative school programme

Our school is committed to digital education, we would like to be pioneers in this area in our country. In light of this goal, we aim to shape an alternative pedagogical program. We plan to put unique and innovative ideas into practice and we wish to make it adaptable at European level.

Our school has always been open to innovations, and enthusiastic about being involved in various projects in order to promote the willingness to foster understanding and communication between different nations. Moreover, interested students are provided with a wide range of diverse and various extra-curricular and class programs. Our institution is committed to modern digital education. Our goal is to radically transform the educational process to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Thanks to our two years of preparatory work, our institution has been one of the Microsoft Showcase School practice schools since September 2020.